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How To Test Hair Extensions

If you are looking to test out a new supplier for your mobile hair extensions business or salon, it is important to understand how hair extensions should be tested so that you are able to glean the most accurate results, as misinformation can lead to insufficient testing and inconclusive results which are unhelpful to you and your business.

Why test human hair extensions?

If you have selected a reputable and reliable supplier of hair extensions, testing is not always necessary as the company would have already undertaken rigorous assessments of the hair to ensure it meets the standards set by the company, and the reputation it has established. A reputable supplier will be able to provide detailed information on the origin of the hair, how long it will last, and how the hair should be looked after. Testing of hair extensions by the consumer is usually only undertaken if the source is unreliable, for example purchasing from a company overseas who lack information on their hair, or purchasing from another consumer via websites such as eBay. How to test human hair extensions The number one factor you must keep in mind when testing hair extensions, is that they should be tested under the conditions you expect the hair extensions to be subjected to. For example this would include using the correct aftercare recommended by the company you are purchasing from, and under the same extremes you would expect the hair extensions to be worn under.

What do we mean by “test”?

The idea of “testing” the human hair extensions is to essentially ensure that they will last the recommended time outlined by the supplier e.g. 3-4 months. The only way to truly test this type of product is to assess it over the period of time they are designed to last. A small amount of hair, typically one bundle, should be fitted in the hair of the individual who is testing them, and worn for 3-4 months. The extensions should be spread across the head for ease of assessment, or if you are fitting them yourself, they can be placed just at the front. The hair extensions should then be treated under the guidelines of the supplier they have been purchased from. It is important to follow these guidelines as hair from different origins may need different levels of care, as will different textures of hair e.g. straight vs curly hair extensions.

Aftercare products

It is very important that the correct aftercare products are used when testing the hair extensions. Each supplier will have their own or preferred products which have already been tested on the hair extensions to ensure they are a suitable formula. Do not fall into the trap of believing that hair extensions should be able to adapt to any type of shampoo and conditioner as this is not true. Hair extension hair whilst human, is not the same as our natural hair for a number of reasons which we will discuss in more detail further down. As well as the hair itself, the bonds require a certain type of shampoo to ensure they stay in place, therefore correct aftercare is paramount and this information should be passed onto your clients if you are a mobile fitter or salon. If your supplier lacks aftercare information in terms of items to purchase or recommendations, this is a tell-tale sign that the source may not be reliable, or that the seller my lack information on how to care for the extensions which can be problematic for the wearer further down the line.

Human hair extensions should NOT be treated the same as natural hair

For the most part human hair extensions are very similar to our own natural hair. They are of course made of the exact same material (human hair), and therefore can be washed, straightened, curled, and treated as normal in terms of day to day styling. The difference in human hair extensions and natural hair is the amount of care that is needed to maintain its condition. Natural hair is attached at the scalp, and therefore will receive a consistent stream of nutrients delivered to ensure it stays soft, moisturised and healthy. Human hair extensions are not attached to the scalp, and therefore do not have the ability to do this. If left untreated across a period of time they will inevitably begin to show the signs of tired hair, as they are lacking a serious amount of nourishment. It is therefore of high importance that hair extensions are conditioned regularly, and ideally have an oil or butter treatment on a weekly maintenance routine to replenish the moisture levels in the hair that may have begun to diminish.