From time to time you may come across a client with a very complex selection of colours, where you will need to combine colours within 1 strand to be able to match the pattern of your clients hair perfectly. At SimplyHair we offer a wide range of
mixed colour hair extensions, which have been pre-mixed into 12 beautiful shades, however if you have a client with a colour so complex that they require a mix of 3 or 4 different colours,, it is possible to mix prebonded hair extensions yourself, and here we will give you our top tips on creating custom mixes at home using pre-bonded stick tip or nail tip hair extensions.
How To Create Custom Colours With Pre-Bonded Stick Tip And Nail Tip Hair Extensions
You do not need to use loose bulk hair to achieve complex colour mixes, you can use a standard pack of
stick tip hair extensions or
nail tip hair extensions to achieve this quickly at home.
How to Create Custom Colours With Stick Tip Hair Extensions
Step 1: You will need to match the client’s hair and make note of the colour distribution. It may be that your client has a mix of 2 or 3 colours, in varying weights, so you will need to pay special attention, and it may help to take a picture to refer back to later when you are creating your custom mix.
Step 2: Once you have identified the colours in your clients hair, you will need to purchase the quantities your require; for example you may have a client who has an even mix of colours 8, 16 and 22 and would therefore purchase 3 packs of each colour.
Step 3: You would then need to retip each bond, mixing the colours as you go. Firstly you would need to remove the tip of the hair extensions so that you have loose hair. Paying close attention to the colour patterns of your clients hair, you would take a piece of hair from each loose strand, to create a new strand containing all 3 colours.
Step 4: Now that you have created a new strand with a mix of colours, you will need to create a new tip to hold the colours together. If you have not created a new tip for hair extensions before, checkout out our step by step guide here
how you retip stick tip hair extensions.
Step 5: You would then repeat this process, taking each colour at a time to combine, and then create new tips.
Top tip: Pay close attension to the amount of hair you combine to create the new strand, as you will want to end of with the same amount of strands once you have finished tipping. If you create the strands too thick or thin, you may end up with uneven strands.
How to Create Custom Colours With Nail Tip Hair Extensions
The process of mixing colours for prebonded
nail tip hair extensions is far easier than stick tip, and does not require the effort of retipping, it just requires a little bit of prep work to save some time during the actual fitting.
Step 1: Colour match your clients hair so you know which colours you are going to be working with.
Step 2 : Purchase the correct amount of hair from your supplier, for example you may have a client who has an unusual combination of 1b and 99j.
Step 3: Remove one strand of each colour, and carefully cut the bond through the middle. This will split the bond in half so that you have 2 small bonds.
Step 4: Once you have split your bonds to create a bond half the size, you can pair up each half of each colour to make 1 full thickness strand.
Step 5: Once you have split each bond and then paired it up with another split bond, you are ready for your fitting.
Step 6: Your nail tip hair extensions are now fitted in the exact same way as you would a normal nail tip fitting, however rather than taking 1 full sized strand and melting the keratin to form the bond, you are taking 2 half sized bonds and melting them together at the same time to form a mixed colour bond.
Top tip: Whilst it can be a little fiddly, the over all results can be truly beautiful, and it is well worth the effort to see a happy client at the end of a fitting.
Creating Custom Colours For Nano Tip Hair Extensions
Unfortunately due to the complexity of this fitting type, it is very hard to create the same quality bond at home as a professionally made nano tip hair extension, and therefore we would not recommend creating your own. If you have a client who has a mix of hair colours, we offer a range of 12 beautiful pre mixed nano tip hair extensions to help you find the best colour possible for your clients.
You can view our full mixed colour range of hair extensions here.
Practice Makes Perfect
When it comes to each of these techniques, practice really does make perfect, and the more clients you have with these type of mixes the more experienced you will become. Retipping your extensions for the stick tip method can take a couple of hours to complete, and using the prebonded nail tip method may result in a slightly longer fitting time, however putting in the effort to create these custom mixes is what will set you apart from the rest as a true professional, with a talent for hair extensions and a great eye for colour matching, qualities which will be passed on to others through referrals and recommendation, helping your business and client base to thrive.
Mixed Colour Hair Extensions
SimplyHair offer a full range of mixed colour hair extensions in stick tip and nano tip which can make matching complicated colour quick and easy. Our mixed colours are also available on our colour ring which is available for just £29.99.