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Best Hair Extensions For Fine Hair

If you have fine hair, then you will likely have considered hair extensions at some point in order to achieve the thickness your natural hair does not offer you. Hair extensions are well known for adding both length and volume and can be a huge confidence boost for those struggling with fine hair, and with so many of us struggling with thin hair, it is hardly surprising that hair extensions continue to grow in popularity amongst all generations. In fact, when asked about their hair, a survey conducted by InStyle<1> found that 50% of women complained about their hair lacking volume, and when you combine this with many common issues faced by women such as PCOS or post natal hair loss, it's not surprising that many of us are looking for a quick fix.

Although hair extensions seem like the obvious solution to this problem, many women with fine hair have not considered it due to the fear of the hair extensions being visible, however they need not worry, as with so many versatile methods available, those with fine hair can safely wear hair extensions without the hair extensions showing.

What hair extension methods are best suited for fine hair?

One of the best methods for fine hair is tape hair extensions. This is because tape hair extensions allow for even distribution of hair in fewer pieces, rather than the strand by strand methods which can look gappy and sparse in fine hair. Placing a few rows of tape hair extensions in fine hair, and then trimming to the length of the clients hair, can offer natural looking added volume. By concentrating the pieces in the centre and back of the hair, they are far less likely to be visible. The other benefit of tape hair extensions is that they are one of the flattest methods, meaning that they do not look or feel bulky against the scalp, which is an added benefit if you have fine hair.

What about the sides?

When it comes to fine hair, hair extensions are not a one size fits all, and you will need to use a combination of methods in order to ensure the hair extensions are not visible. Adding tape hair extensions at the back will add volume, however you will need to apply hair extensions to the sides in order to balance out the finished look. Tape hair extensions at the side of fine hair will likely be visible, therefore a stranded method such as nano ring hair extensions are great on fine hair to fill in the sides. Keep the hair extensions at least an inch from the hairline, however if possible on fine hair the bigger gap you can leave the better.

As you add the nano ring hair extensions to the side, continually check to make sure that the bonds aren't visible by laying all of the hair down and brushing through to see if you can spot any of the bonds, and if you can, remove those pieces and place them somewhere else.

Aim for volume, not length

With fine hair, hair extensions are unlikely to be able to give your client natural looking length, as you won't be able to add enough volume to the lengths for the hair extensions to look thick and natural, without the bonds being visible through the clients fine hair, therefore if you do have a client with fine hair, it is best to focus on improving the look of their hair with adding volume, rather an with added length.

Keeping the hair extensions at the same length as the natural hair will mean your client gets a beautiful, natural looking finish, without any of the tell tale signs of hair extension bonds.

What are the worst hair extensions for fine hair?

If you have fine hair and you opt for methods such as clip in hair extensions, pre bonded nail tip hair extensions or micro ring hair extensions, you will very likely see the bonds, and the hair extensions could be damaging to the natural hair. Clip in hair extensions will be very bulky on fine hair, and will also be very heavy. It will be near impossible to keep the hair extensions hidden, and clip-in hair extensions are also likely to have quite a lot of length, which wont have a natural looking finish. Micro ring hair extensions and pre bonded nail tip hair extensions aren't likely to be as heavy as clip in hair extensions, however the bonds are big and bulky, and will more than likely be visible under the natural hair. As micro ring hair extensions and pre bonded nail tip hair extensions offer no added benefits over nano ring hair extensions or tape, therefore it would be wise to opt against these methods if you are looking for a natural finish.

Looking for hair extensions suitable for fine hair clients, you can view our tape hair extensions and nano ring hair extensions here.


<1> Instyle: We Asked Women Across the Country All About Their Hair