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Mates Rates For Your Hair Extension Business

When setting up your hair extension business, one thing you will want to think about at the same time as establishing your customer prices, is the prices you will set for your family and friends. Now this topic may come as a surprise to some of you setting up your businesses who may have the mind-set that as they are your friends and family you won’t charge them, or you will do it for the absolute rock bottom price. However, there are a number of reasons why this is not always a good idea which we shall discuss here, alongside advice on how you should think about setting your pricing.

Why Set Mates Rates For Your Hair Extension Business?

The reason why it is healthy for your business and your relationships to establish a “mates rates” package is to ensure that the work you do is valued and not taken for granted. Although you may want to do your friends and family favours you must consider that when running your business, the time you allocate for your friends and family’s hair is time in which you could have had a full paying customer, therefore this must make financial sense for you and your business.

Preventing Your Hair Extension Skills Being Taken For Granted

Unfortunately, in business there will always come a time in which you feel as though you have been taken for granted, and this can be especially true of friends and family. By being firm with a price guide that is fair for you and them, neither party will feel put out, and both will be happy. This is not only true for your prices, but also for the times in which you work.

Hair Extension Working Hours

You will need to consider your working hours when it comes to friends and family. Are you happy to squeeze them in during times that are not busy for you, such as weekends, or would you prefer to only fit them in at a time that suits you, keeping your leisure time free? This is your business after all, and therefore it is up to you to make these decisions and ensure you keep a good work life balance. If you are not firm with your working hours, you might find it hard to say no to that friend that wants her hair done but can only do 7pm on a Friday, and is also barely paying you for it.

What Price Should I Charge My Friends Or Family For A Hair Extension Fitting?

The price for which you decide to charge friends and family will depend on a number of factors and will ultimately be a personal cho