Can I Use Heated Styling Tools On My Hair Extensions
A common question asked by hair extension wearers is whether or not they can continue using the same styling tools they use on their natural hair. The answer to this question is yes, however, there are some small changes you will need to consider making when wearing hair extensions to ensure they stay in the best condition possible
100% Human Hair Extensions
All of the advice provided below has been written under the assumption that you are wearing SimplyHair hair extensions, which are 100% human hair. If you are wearing synthetic hair extensions or a synthetic blend which is a mix of artificial and human hair, you may not be able to use heated styling tools as they can melt or damage the hair. If you are wearing 100% human hair you will have no trouble using heated styling tools as like your natural hair, it is able to withstand this type of heat.

Using A Hair Dryer With Human Hair Extensions
When wearing 100% human hair extensions you can continue using your hair drier, however, we would recommend switching to one with multiple heat settings if yours does not already have this. When wearing hair extensions it is best to use the lowest heat setting, and if you have the time or patience we would recommend using the cool setting, even though this can take considerably longer. If you are wearing pre bonded glue hair extensions we would recommend using the cool setting when drying the roots of your hair, as too much heat from the hairdryer may cause the bonds to become sticky if it is hot enough to melt the keratin.
Using Hair Straighteners With Human Hair Extensions
As with your hairdryer, you can of course still use your straighteners with your hair extensions, but again we would recommend using a product with multiple heat settings. Unlike the hairdryer we would not recommend using the lowest settings, as this can cause you to have to go over your hair many more times to straighten it which is not healthy for your hair, therefore we would recommend some trial and error in testing out different settings until you find one that is able to get your hair as straight as you would like it without going over the hair multiple times, or without having the heat up to the highest temperature. You will be surprised at how low the setting can be for this, as just because your hair straightens have the highest heat setting this doesn't mean you need to use it to create your desired effect.
Using Curling Tongs With Human Hair Extensions
Curling tongs are also absolutely fine with human hair extensions, however will also take some trial and error in how long you will need to leave the hair wrapped within the tong to create your desired effect. The hair extensions may curl slightly different to your own hair in that they will need more/less time, therefore take your time with small amounts of hair to get an idea of how long you will need to leave the tong in before removing.
Are you having trouble curling your human hair extensions? Click the link to view the article.
Using Heated Rollers With Human Hair Extensions
Heated rollers can also be used on hair extensions, and are particularly good for achieving a wavy look as they are not as hot as tongs, and are therefore better for your hair. You will however need to pay special attention when applying them to ensure they are done so in a neat manner and do not become tangled around any of your bonds. If you have prebonded glue extensions be careful to make sure that none of the heater rollers is sitting against a bond, as this could cause the bond to begin to melt.
Using Heat Protection When Styling Human Hair Extensions
When using any of the above items, you should always be using a heat protection spray, serum or hair oil. These are designed to protect the hair and are especially important with hair extensions as they need a little more TLC than your natural hair, and you of course want them to last as long as possible.
When wearing human hair extensions it is very important that you follow the advice provided, as this will ensure that your hair extensions last you a long time, and always feel silky soft and look beautiful.